Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The first few pages definitely grab your attention.  The first sentence Strayed lets you know that she cheated on her husband more then once.  a few paragraphs later she tells us she can't have sex with her husband that she deeply loves because she has a sexual feelings for her mother.  Had to read that part again to make sure that she actually said that.  She tops that off by telling us that she has sex with complete strangers and that's the only way to forget about her mother's death. She clearly wants to reiterate the fact that you should look down upon her sexual actions by calling herself a whore and a slut numerous times during the essay.  The middle part of the essay she just seems to repeat the fact that she misses her mother terribly and that she feels bad about cheating on her husband but doesn't know what to do about it.  The essay begins to regain interest when she decides to tell Mark her husband that she has been cheating on him with numerous partners for the last two years.  Of course he flips out saying that he wants to kill her but he never fully loses his love for her coming to her rescue a few times and having a one night stand with her.  Really sucks to be this guy.  He was by her side helping her grieve her mom's death and she is out screwing random guys.  that basically enede the story for me as I lost interest in the last two or three pages.  

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