Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This essay focuses on the relationship of the narrator and her aging Grandmother. she uses a lot of dialogue in the essay especially between her and her grandmother. I think she wants to give the reader a first hand look at how each scenartio actually panned out in front of her eyes to give the reader a sense of being in the story and how it felt for her and her grandmother. To contribute to this she went into great detail about the surroundings of the house and the contenst inside it. It's clear that she wants to paint a picture for us and leave little to the imiganation. I though it was intersting that at the end of the essay she wanted her Grandmother to repeat the fishing story because she talked a lot about how her and the rest of the family were irritated about her grandmother repeating the same stories over and over. I think she liked the story so much because it shows how much her dad meant to the both of them and how they still think of him often.

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